Welcome back to the 2013-14 school year! I've finally found a free second to set-up my new Executive Director Blog for AHS. I've been keeping a blog since I was hired as AHS's founding Head of School in late 2008. It's been quite a remarkable journey and I encourage you to share in the experience by reviewing: www.animashighschool.blogspot.com
For the past four years, this online digital portfolio has served as the repository of all things Animas High School: Hundreds of weekly updates, parent communiqués and media press releases. Archival news stories, interviews, radio and TV efforts and public appearances. Resource and policy docs related to AHS and the national charter school movement. Etc.....
Overall, I've published over four hundred and fifty different posts related to Animas High's success and I hope you take the time to review the link above. Whether you've followed me/AHS online for years or are only just finding this page in 2013, I'd like to personally welcome you to my new Executive Director's blog at: www.ahsexecutivedirector.blogspot.com/
And if you thought social media and digital outreach for AHS stopped here, please make sure to check out the many other sites related to Animas High School on the web.
www.animashighschool.com Animas High School's Homepage.
www.facebook.com/AnimasHighSchool Animas High School's Official Facebook Page
https://twitter.com/AnimasHighDRO Animas High's Twitter Feed