Thursday, April 3, 2014

Leaving school to make the world their classroom- DRO Herald Article on LINK 2014

Leaving school to make the world their classroom

3-week internships prep AHS students for work life
Photo by: Courtesy of Libby Cowles
Keagan Felker learned firearm engraving from Marty Rabeno, a longtime, professional firearm engraver in Durango. Keagan is interested in art and enjoys shooting. He was able to combine his passions during Animas High School’s Leading Internships for New Knowledge (LINK) program that was held for three weeks in March.

By Dale Rodebaugh Herald staff writer

Members of the third junior class at Animas High School – the school itself is only five years old – are back from three-week internships at businesses, educational organizations and public agencies.

Sixty third-year students participated in the Leading Internships for New Knowledge (LINK) program that took them to hosts in La Plata County, out of state and to two foreign countries.
“The students can set up internships that further their interests and career goals,” said Libby Cowles, the LINK coordinator. “If they don’t find their own, I connect them with the community.”

Among hosts that have received students more than once are Durango Fire Protection District, Durango Early Learning Center, Weaselskin Equestrian Center, La Plata County Humane Society, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Turtle Lake Refuge and Goff Engineering.

Students worked 30 to 40 hours a week for the weeks of March 3, 10 and 17.
Keagan Felker wanted to learn firearm engraving from Marty Rabeno, a Durango craftsman he met at a gun show in Las Vegas.

“I’m artistic – drawing and sketching – and I’m an avid shooter – 4-H skeet and trap shooting and the shooting range,” Keagan said. “So in my internship, I can combine two passions.”
Under Rabeno’s watchful eye, Keagan learned to adorn metal plates depicting scenes or animals that are affixed to the wooden stock or grip of rifles and revolvers.

Heidi Williams traveled to the Pacuare Nature Reserve, 2,600 acres of tropical rainforest on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica where the giant leatherback turtle nests.

She spent two weeks there collecting turtle eggs and locating them near the sea, so they’d be in a nurturing environment when they hatch. The next two weeks – she stayed during spring-break week that followed the internship – working on an organic farm and doing reef research.

“I’m passionate about animals, nature and the environment,” Heidi said. “I’m looking for a career, a hands-on career, that combines all of them.”

Allie Rodd worked in a medical clinic in Malawi for four weeks – she also took spring-break week. She was in Lilongwe, the landlocked country’s capital of almost 1 million people.
“I arranged the internship through friends of my mother, who grew up in Africa,” Allie said. I was assisting three or four doctors who treat malaria, deliver babies and give vaccinations.
“I’ve wanted to be a doctor since I was small because I know how big the need is,” Allie said. “I also want to help women who have been abused.”

LINK was modeled on a project-based learning program at High Tech High School in San Diego, Calif., Cowles said. Independent High Tech High was launched in 2000 to prepare students for postsecondary education, citizenship and leadership in the high-tech industry.
“LINK is not a complete replica of High Tech High,” Cowles said. “But from the beginning, Animas High was going to be a charter school with a strong college-prep curriculum.”

Photo by: Courtesy of Libby Cowles
At the Pacuare Nature Reserve in Costa Rica, Heidi Williams made sure turtle eggs were moved to a safe place to hatch near the Caribbean. She also worked on an organic farm and participated in reef research.

Photo by: Courtesy of Libby Cowles
Allie Rodd’s interest in medicine took her to the African country of Malawi where she worked with doctors for four weeks at a medical clinic.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

In McLean, a crusade to get people to back off in the parenting arms race

By Brigid Schulte, Published: March 23 
It’s a simple white oval with three big, black letters: JMU. But to Wilma Bowers, who sports
it proudly on her black Audi sedan, it’s an act of subversion.
In just about any other community, driving around with a bumper sticker for James Madison University, rated one of the best schools in the South, would be a point of pride. But this is McLean, one of the most affluent communities in the United States. Flaunting a JMU bumper sticker in a field of Harvards, Yales and Stanfords, Bowers says, is a rallying cry.

“It’s one of the ways I advertise,” says Bowers, the Parent-Teacher-Student Association president at McLean High School, one of the top-ranked public schools in Virginia. Not pride in her alma mater, but a movement she’s leading that seeks to upend the achievement-at-all costs intensive

“There’s such a status thing here: ‘I went Georgetown. I want my kid to go to Georgetown or better.’ It’s such a rat race,” says Bowers, who has lived in McLean for 24 years. “Nobody is taking a step back and asking, ‘Is going to Princeton going to make me happier in the long run? Is this even right for my child?’ Because there are real consequences to living this way.”

Bowers knows it’s a high-stakes parenting arms race in McLean and communities like it. The obsession with grades and college résumés can overwhelm everything. She wants people to back off — and is trying to get them to, with film screenings, workshops, lectures and meetings with clergy and mental health professionals.

Many fellow parents think that disarming sounds good, in theory. The problem is, they’re reluctant to try it with their own kid.

So, the pressure mounts.

It’s at a high point right now, as college acceptance letters — the aim of all the years of intensity — begin trickling in this spring. To Bowers, the annual Fairfax County Youth Survey captures just what all of that pressure is doing to kids.
Nearly one-third of high school seniors at McLean report that they have felt so depressed for more than two weeks that their work was affected, the most recent risk survey found. Only 10 percent sleep for the recommended eight hours a night. One in 10 admit to taking prescription drugs that aren’t theirs.

“We know of students who beg their parents to go on Ritalin because everybody else does it to get better grades,” Bowers says.

Although the push for achievement at all costs may be its most intense in affluent communities, the pressure also exists in middle- and working-class communities. Lower- income parents are beginning to tell researchers that although they have neither the time nor the resources to take part in the hyper-competitive parenting culture, they worry their kids will fall even further behind as a result.

In her family, Bowers had always privately rejected the intensive culture — telling her daughters that she valued their effort, attitude and what they learned rather than their grades. But reading the youth risk survey a few years ago spurred her to take action.

Bowers, trim, fashionable and fiercely determined, stands in her kitchen early one morning making breakfast and explains that she isn’t fighting to let kids off the hook. “This movement is not about mediocrity,” she says. It’s about what she calls “authentic success.”

“Yes, M.I.T. is looking for a kid who’s taken 10 AP classes. If you’re a kid who has a passion for those subjects and is doing well, then that’s great,” Bowers says. “But if the kid is sleeping three hours a night in order to do that? Or gets to an Ivy League school and then commits suicide because they get their first B? Then that’s not okay. Our whole premise is:
Are we really helping our kids be successful by pushing them so hard?”

It’s slow going.

In a darkened McLean auditorium in November, California psychologist Madeline Levine, the author of “The Price of Privilege” — who was invited to speak to parents by the Safe Community Coalition, which also works in the growing authentic-success movement — had harsh words for a packed house. “A majority of your children are average,” she said, pausing as a chorus of sharp inhalations drain the air out of the room. “And guess what? So are you.”

Accepting that, she said, is the first step to ending what she calls a “mass delusion” in many privileged communities that every child must be destined for Harvard to ensure success.
What matters, she told parents, is spending time connecting with children, not yipping about homework or doing it for them. “Lawn-mower parents” mowing down all obstacles to smooth their child’s way only make it harder for those children to fail and learn to recover on their own. “It’s not about lowering the bar. It’s lowering the expectation that they be terrific at everything,” Levine said. “We’re not straight-A parents. Why should we demand that they be perfect all the time?”

Levine assured parents that there is life outside of the pressure zone. Though having a college degree can lead to a lifetime earning boost of $1 million and lower rates of unemployment than for those with only high school degrees, which college that degree is from doesn’t matter quite as much. One study found that the top third of students in non- elite schools outperform the bottom third of students in the Ivies in what was dubbed the “Big Fish-Little Pond” theory.
It’s not the school that matters, Levine said repeatedly. It’s the kid. And for the kid to succeed, the parents need to get out of the way.

As the lights turned on for questions, a hand shot up from the balcony. A parent complained that she was having trouble getting her child into Stanford. “My daughter is above average. . . .” This is what Bowers is crusading against.
An obsession to excel academically that starts early. Local school board representative Jane Strauss says she is routinely contacted by parents asking how to prepare their 2-year-olds for a test to get into the Advanced Academic Program for gifted students in third grade.

One McLean elementary school recently asked for a presentation on whether its students should take the SAT or ACT, college admissions tests at least seven years away. Bowers’s husband, Bruce, almost stopped coaching girls’ soccer because of the win-at-all-costs attitude. Some other parent-coaches, he says, would spend weekends going to games to identify the top players so they could try to recruit them. “It really meant something to them to have the cream of the crop and win,” he says. “And this wasn’t travel soccer. This was when the girls were 7 or 8.”

By the time students reach high school, the compulsion is almost irresistible, Bowers says, to cram in a raft of college-level Advanced Placement and honors classes, and a strict
schedule of tutors, SAT prep courses and résumé-burnishing extracurriculars.

Rabbi Amy Schwartzman of Temple Rodef Shalom in Falls Church says she and others in the McLean clergy association became involved in the authentic-success movement when they saw so many kids absent from worship services, the observance of holy days, youth group and volunteer work because they were so over-scheduled.

When Bowers’s elder daughter, Sadie, told friends at McLean that she was applying to JMU last year, some sneered. Like her friends applying to more selective schools, Sadie had taken AP courses and had good grades and an impressive résumé. Sadie, who wants to be an optometrist, visited several schools and felt most at home at JMU. But her friends chided her, Bowers recalled, telling her, ‘I can’t believe you’re settling.’

Comments like that don’t get under Bowers’s skin. She worked in high-powered corporate roles for 20 years at Verizon before joining her husband in their successful design-build firm. “I have a roof over my head, food on the table and I’m reasonably happy every day,” she shrugs. What does bother her is, in an intensive culture, how everyone unthinkingly assumes such comments about “settling” are true.

“There’s good research that shows it’s not where you go to college, it’s what you make of it while you’re there that matters,” Bowers says. “But I still catch myself getting caught up in the trap sometimes, thinking, ‘Gee, I should have pushed her to attend one of these more prestigious schools.’ Then I have to stop myself and say, ‘Wilma, don’t drink the Kool-Aid.’

Defining authentic success

Last fall, as seniors and their parents scrambled to complete college applications, Bowers decided to strike at the heart of the parenting pressure cooker and arranged for Dawn Allison, the school’s college and career counselor, to give a presentation on applying to college. By 8 a.m., close to 80 parents, an unusually large crowd for a weekday morning, had packed into the dance room and were nervously sipping coffee.
There are 3,000 colleges out there, Allison said as she ran through a presentation of nearly 100 slides. The guiding principles for parents, she told them, should be: Students should be doing something they love; they should be able to support themselves; and they should give something back. That’s authentic success.

But when it came time for questions, it was as if parents hadn’t heard a word. They asked how many AP classes their kids should take, or how many times they should take the SAT for the highest score. One parent shared a strategy that helped a nephew secure a spot in a selective university: Go to alumni events. You meet powerful alumni who can put in a good word, or even a college president who will be impressed by your child’s ambition, drive and chutzpah.

The parents nodded and eagerly scribbled notes. Bowers closed her eyes and sighed.

A few weeks earlier, Bowers had helped host a screening of the documentary “Race to Nowhere ” by filmmaker Vicki Abeles, about the perils of hyper-parenting. Bowers had hung around listening to parents talk about how hard it is to put their “weapons down” and change.

Robert Spessert, a lieutenant colonel in the Army, said he worried about his son staying up late every night doing homework. His daughters were shocked by the level of competitiveness in the area after spending eight years in international schools while Spessert was stationed overseas. 

And though he supports Bowers’s mission to change the culture, he is reluctant for his children to be the test cases.
“For some kids, you set the bar high and they’re jumping over it. Some are really good athletes, excellent at music or drama or they’re doing amazing in AP courses. If you set it too low, is that doing them a disservice? It’s a cruel world out there. You want to set them up to be able to get out there and compete.”

In McLean, parents are pushing for less homework and later school start times. And some, like Julie Murphy, a PTSA officer, are trying to make small progress. “I make a point of no longer asking where students are applying to college,” she says. “I decided I’m not going to be another judgmental adult saying, ‘Podunk University? Oh, hmm, where is that?’

Pressure to be perfect

On a cold winter day, Bowers checks in by phone with Sadie, who is at her dorm at JMU. Bowers is arranging for the PTSA presentation of the latest results of the youth risk survey, and the two talk about what the expectations in McLean are like for students.

“Just being in that pressure-cooker environment every single day is so taxing,” Sadie says. “Seeing your best friends work so hard. Seeing all of your peers just so miserable. They’ve almost become robots just to get good grades. You really just want to bring the life back to everyone.”

“Did you feel that way?” her mother asks.

Sadie says that she would cry almost every night, burdened by worries about homework — that it was taking too long, or that she couldn’t do it perfectly.

Bowers and Sadie have always been close. Since leaving her job at Verizon, Bowers has worked out of a home office, so she has been nearby. She has made a point of telling her two daughters that she doesn’t care about grades, she cares about what they’re learning. And yet she didn’t know at the time that her daughter was shut off in her room, crying from the pressure to be perfect.

It’s a fear that Abeles understands well. She has shown the film in nearly 7,000 communities in every state and several countries in the past few years.

“There’s so much fear out there — that we’re falling behind internationally, that our kids will never make it to college without us. But the irony is, we’ve created an unhealthy culture that isn’t making our kids smarter or better, but instead a whole lot more burned out,” she says.

But now, Sadie is doing well.

Her classes are harder than she expected, but she likes them. She’s having fun. She’s happy. And she proudly tools around sporting a JMU bumper sticker of her own on her Volkswagen Jetta.

Schulte is a Washington Post staff writer
and the author of “Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time.”

See the article here

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Durango School District slows ‘school-to-jail’ trend

Durango School District slows ‘school-to-jail’ trend

Disciplinary actions decrease over 3 years
By Dale Rodebaugh Herald staff writer
Durango School District 9-R sharply reduced the percentage of students overall it suspended, expelled or referred to law enforcement from 2009-10 to 2012-13.

The reduction was even greater among Hispanic, black and Native American students.
These statistics were contained in a report released Friday by Padres & Jóvenes Unidos on how 179 school districts in Colorado are trying to avoid the school-to-prison pipeline. The report was the result of 2012 legislation known as the Smart School Discipline Law.
“We’ve seen tremendous gains in one year,” Daniel Kim, the chief author of the report, said by telephone. “But there is a long way to go.”

Although from 2009-10 to 2012-13 there was, overall, in the state, a 25 percent drop in expulsions, a 10 percent reduction in suspensions and 9 percent fewer referrals to law enforcement, in the past year, there was a 3 percent increase in law-enforcement referrals among Native Americans and an 8 percent increase among Afro-Americans, Kim said.
The goal of Durango 9-R discipline is to teach social norms and expectations, Superintendent Dan Snowberger said by email.

“When the only option you have is to suspend or expel, there is very little room for growth by students,” Snowberger said. “We have implemented many different programs to ensure that administrators have many tools in their tool boxes as behavior issues surface in our schools.
“As we have worked to close achievement gaps in our students of color and students from poverty,” Snowberger said, “the residual impact is a sensitivity to all and a realization that each individual child is unique and warrants focus and response.”

Durango School District 9-R has 4,575 students, 27 percent of whom are ethnic minorities.
In the three years covered in the report, suspensions dropped 37 percent overall and among ethnic minorities, 52.1 percent; expulsions fell 45.6 percent overall and 87.4 percent among students of color; referrals to law enforcement declined 18.6 percent overall and 89.6 percent among ethnic minorities.

In other area school districts:

Bayfield School District has 1,402 students, 20 percent of them youngsters of color.
In that district, suspensions fell 29.4 percent among all students, but among ethnic minorities there was a 12.9 increase in suspensions. No further numbers were included for the district.
Ignacio School District 11 JT has 718 students, 66 percent of them ethnic minorities.
In the Ignacio district, suspension of all students increased 2.1 percent but fell 32.9 percent among students of color; expulsions increased 11 percent overall and 5.1 percent among ethnic minorities; no statistics were given for referral to law enforcement.

The racial inequality index for the three districts showed that in Durango 9-R, a student of color was 23 percent more likely than a non-minority to be suspended, expelled or referred to law enforcement.

The corresponding rate in Bayfield was 89 percent. In Ignacio, ethnic minorities were 41 percent less likely than whites to be suspended, expelled or referred to law enforcement.
“Comparing results of the survey shows how different school districts in the same region can be,” Kim said.

Statewide, black students are almost four times as likely as white students to be targeted for one of the three disciplinary measures; Native American students are more than twice as likely, and Hispanics are almost twice as likely.

Comparing 2011-12 with 2012-13, suspensions were down 9 to 19 percent for all students, per 100 students; expulsions also were down 14 to 38 percent among all students, per 100 students; referral to law enforcement followed the same pattern – except among black students, where the rate increased 8 percent and among Native Americans, where the rate jumped 3 percent.

But the survey found that from 2011-12 to 2012-13, expulsions for blacks was 13 percent higher when compared to white-student expulsions and that referral of black students to law enforcement increased 22 percent when compared to white students; Native American expulsion rates were 4 percent higher than for white students and their rate for referral to law enforcement was 17 percent higher than for white students.

Statewide, 88 districts had no law-enforcement referrals, and 40 had referrals from 10 to 1,390; 88 districts had no expulsions, 28 had 10 to 182 expulsions; in 70 districts, ethnic minority students were not over-represented in expulsions, suspensions or referral to law enforcement.

“We are going to issue a report annually,” Kim said. “We want to involve parents, school officials, students and community members in the project.”

The Smart School Discipline Law advises against referring students to law enforcement and urges school districts to match punishment to offense.

It collects data on disciplinary incidents and tracks the information by race/ethnicity, age and gender, and increases training for school resource officers.

Friday, March 28, 2014

100% Acceptance to College for Seventh Consecutive Year- DSST PR

For release on March 28, 2014 Contact Christine Nelson, 303-524-6322,

100% Acceptance to College for Seventh Consecutive Year
DENVER–For the seventh consecutive year, 100% of the senior class attending DSST: Stapleton High School has been accepted to a four-year college or university. All 89 students in the Class of 2014 have been admitted to at least one college or university. Since 2008, all DSST graduates have been admitted to a four year college or university. No other public school in Denver has matched this accomplishment.

“We are so proud of our students. Our seniors continue to show that regardless of their economic, ethnic or educational background, all students can be prepared to attend a four- year college,” said Bill Kurtz, CEO of DSST Public Schools. “We are extremely proud of the hard work of our students, teachers, staff, and parents for achieving the goal of 100% college acceptance for the seventh year in a row.”

2014 graduates have been students from this year’s graduating class have been accepted at the Air Force Academy, Brandeis University, Morehouse University, and Lewis & Clark College, among others. Many have also been accepted to DSST’s in-state college partners including University of Colorado- Boulder, Colorado State University, and University of Northern Colorado.
In addition to celebrating 100% acceptance to a four-year college, three students of this year’s graduating class are in the running for prestigious scholarships. Senior Jubilee Michael and Breeze Covarrubias are semi-finalists for the Daniels Scholarship Program. Another senior, Margo Warnock, is a Greenhouse Scholars semi-finalist.

About DSST Public Schools
DSST Public Schools (DSST), authorized by Denver Public Schools (DPS), operates open-enrollment, STEM charter schools. Students are admitted to DSST by lottery through the DPS School Choice Process; there are no admissions criteria. DSST schools enroll more than 2,800 students at seven schools on five campuses. Over 70 percent of students are minority and more than 60 percent qualify for free or reduced price lunch.
By 2022, DSST Public Schools will operate 14 schools on seven campuses, serving over 6,500 students and nearly doubling the number of four-year college-ready graduates in Denver Public Schools.

Additional information about DSST Public Schools is available at

School votes to allow girl with shaved head back in

School votes to allow girl with shaved head back in

Mom wants the negativity towards the school to stop.

GRAND JUNCTION - A Grand Junction charter school voted Tuesday 3-1 to allow a girl who shaved her head to support her friend battling cancer to return to school.
Caprock Academy in Grand Junction told Kamryn Renfro's mother Monday that her daughter would not be allowed to attend classes after the school learned of the incident.
Kamryn shaved her head in support of her cancer-stricken friend, 11-year-old Delaney Clements. She lost her hair because she is undergoing chemotherapy in her fight against neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer.
"The medicine she was taking made her hair fall out. So, I decided to shave my head," Kamryn said at the meeting Tuesday. "Delaney was really excited! She jumped up and down".
Since the story broke on Monday, Caprock Academy has received plenty of national attention. The school's phone was ringing off the hook on Tuesday from people who were outraged by the board's initial decision.
Tuesday evening, the board held a special meeting to decide whether they should make an exception for Kamryn. Aside from one board member, the other three voted in favor of allowing Kamryn back to school with her head shaved.
"Our lesson is that we want to be both aware of our immediate and large community. We want to do service as to how important we feel the interest of children is," Caprock board member Catherine Norton Breman said.
Kamryn's mother, Jamie Renfro, was thrilled with the board's decision. She knew her daughter had violated the school's policy, but she never expected them to initially tell her she couldn't return to school.
Sunday night, Renfro posted about the controversy on Facebook, which created a firestorm of negative reaction towards the school. Now Renfro is asking for that negative reaction to stop.
"We have got an amazing staff and an amazing administration. They suffered greatly today. For that, I am sorry. I feel extremely guilty. I would just like all of that negativity to go away," Jamie Renfro said.
Jamie and Kamryn drove to Denver after the meeting on Tuesday. They planned to meet with Delaney and her mother. Delaney is expected to undergo additional chemotherapy on Wednesday.
(KUSA-TV © 2014 Multimedia Holdings Corporation)

Testing, K-12 funding roil House budget debate

Testing, K-12 funding roil House budget debate

by Todd Engdahl on March 27, 2014
The hot-button issue of standardized testing finally got a House floor debate Thursday, but a proposal to cut the $16.8 million needed to pay for new Common Core-aligned tests was defeated.
That proposal was one of 45 proposed amendments to House Bill 14-1336, the 2014-15 state budget that was up for preliminary consideration in the House Thursday. (Not all the amendments were actually offered.)
The annual budget debate is a ritualized process that’s more about political symbolism than substance, given that minority party amendments – in this case from the Republicans – are almost always defeated. (And even majority party amendments that would make significant changes to the bill crafted by the Joint Budget Committee are discouraged.)

The testing amendment was proposed by Republican Rep. Chris Holbert of Parker, who’s a member of the House Education Committee. It would have removed the $16.8 million contained in HB 14-1336 for PARCC testing costs and diverted the money into reduction of what’s called the negative factor, the $1 billion K-12 funding shortfall that was created by budget cuts in recent years. The amendment would have had the effect of delaying for a year the 2015 rollout of the new CMAS tests, which include PARCC language arts and math tests that are aligned to the Common Core Standards.
Testing is an issue that’s been simmering below the surface of the 2014 legislative session. Despite growing backlash against testing among some parent groups, the issue so far hasn’t gotten beyond the committee level.
Senate Bill 14-136, a measure that would have delaying implementation of new academic standards (including the Common Core) and the PARCC online tests, was killed in the Senate Education Committee (see story).
House Bill 14-1202, which would have allowed school districts to opt out of statewide tests, was amended before it was even heard by the House Education Committee. It now just proposes a study of testing, and the bill is pending in the House Appropriations Committee.
So Holbert’s budget bill amendment managed to get the issue onto the House floor, where the discussion consumed 40 minutes.

Interestingly, much of the debate was between two Douglas County Republicans, Holbert and Rep. Carole Murray, R-Castle Rock.
Holbert made a spirited argument against education centralization, saying, “By voting no on this amendment you’re saying Washington, D.C., controls our schools. … We know what’s best for our kids. … Listen to your constituents.” He said the money would be better used to buy down the negative factor.
His argument was buttressed by Rep. Lori Saine, R-Firestone, who said, “The Common Core is something Colorado moms are rising up against.”
Murray responded with a emphatic defense of Colorado’s testing, accountability and educator evaluation systems.
Given the billions in state dollars that go to school districts, “We have to feel some responsibility for performance in those school districts,” she said, and accountability rests on test results.
“We should have standards, and they should be high standards,” she said, “Change is hard. … Is that what we want to do, give up on it because it’s hard?” (In a variety of debates this session Murray sometimes seems like the lone Republican who still stands squarely behind all the education reforms passed in the last six years.)
Holbert’s amendment was defeated on a voice vote.
At the end of evening, Holbert proposed his amendment again, as is allowed when the House is finishing preliminary consideration of a bill.
He, Murray and a few other members reprised the earlier debate for about 10 minutes.
“I want to get back to where we used to be in education,” Holbert said.
“Now is the time to step on the gas” of education reform, Murray said.
Holbert’s second attempt failed on a 25-39 recorded vote.
Republicans also proposed – and lost – five amendments that would have transferred various amounts of money from a variety of other state programs and used it to buy down the negative factor. And two amendments to put an extra $18 million into charter school facilities also were defeated.
Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso, R-Loveland, later tried a do-over on a negative factor amendment, but that also failed.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

2013-14 Colorado School Guide

School District Publishing is proud to present the 2013-14 Colorado School Guide.  
Check it out!

Survey of Colorado Teachers Demonstrates Support for Innovative Education Policies


For Immediate Release                                                         
March 27, 2014                                                                     

Survey of Colorado Teachers Demonstrates
Support for Innovative Education Policies

Englewood, CO - Today the Professional Association of Colorado Educators (PACE), the largest non-union educators' organization in the state, released its 2014 Membership Survey about possible reforms to education in Colorado. Survey results show forward-thinking stances on policy changes, from pension reform to how we license teachers.

With policymakers considering new ideas for Colorado's education system, it's critical that educators' opinions and experiences are taken into account. As a member-driven organization, PACE strives to bring an authentic teacher voice to the education reform dialogue, providing valuable input from professional educators across the state.

"PACE takes positions on issues based solely on member feedback," stated PACE Executive Director Kris Enright. "Our goal is to connect with real educators on the front lines and provide them with a voice."

With regard to Teacher Empowerment, PACE members stress the importance of more autonomy for teachers:
  • 77% of survey respondents support a policy that would require the deposit of a percentage of each student's per-pupil-funding into a classroom account to be used, with proper oversight, by the teacher for class projects and equipment. This would better ensure that dollars are making their way to the classroom to benefit students.
  • 81% of survey respondents support a policy that would create a process through which classroom teachers could apply for waivers from local, state, and federal mandates like prescribed curriculums, pacing guides, minimum or maximum seat times, or any other mandate that interferes with offering a properly tailored education to fit students' needs.
When it comes to the way in which teachers are licensed in Colorado, PACE members felt strongly that changes need to be made to eliminate artificial barriers that keep talent out of the profession, while also creating a higher standard for those who want to qualify as professional educators.
  • 72% of members support eliminating artificial barriers to gaining initial entry into the profession by requiring only a clean background check, a bachelor's degree, and a passing score on a content-area exam.
  • After a new teacher gains entry into the profession, 68% of teachers support raising the bar for teachers that want to earn a professional license by requiring the satisfactory completion of a 1-3 year apprenticeship program under the daily mentorship of a proven educator.
The United States has become an increasingly mobile society in the twenty-first century, but teacher employment policies in Colorado have not adapted to this new reality. Teachers are overwhelmingly calling for changes that will give them the ability to relocate without being penalized:
  • 89% of survey respondents support a policy that would require school districts that use years of service as a primary factor for compensation to credit a teacher who transfers from another district with all of their prior years in the classroom.
  • 89% of teachers additionally support offering a portable, 401(k) style retirement option that teachers can choose instead of the current pension plan, which they can take with them if they move to another state or switch careers.

"We are proud to give a voice to educators across the state," asserted Enright. "We hope their viewpoint will be useful for policymakers and administrators on all levels as they continue to shape the future of Colorado's education system."

Complete survey results can be found at

The Professional Association of Colorado Educators (PACE) is the state's largest non-union professional educator's organization, advancing the profession by offering a modern approach to teacher representation and educational advocacy, as well as promoting professionalism, collaboration and excellence without a partisan agenda. PACE members are forward-thinking professionals who are committed to student-centered reform. PACE welcomes professionals from all educational entities. Membership is $15 per month, which includes $2 million professional liability insurance, employment rights coverage, professional development resources, as well as a host of other benefits. Visit for further information.

Mother of bald-headed girl makes request

Mother of bald-headed girl makes request

Photo by: Christopher Tomlinson/ The Daily Sentinel
Jamie Renfro, with her daughter Kamryn, 9, says she wants people to focus on helping Delaney Clements, who has been fighting childhood cancer since she was 7. She wants to shift the focus from the controversy concerning the decision of the Caprock Academy board of directors to allow Kamryn to remain at school after officials had initially barred her, saying she violated the dress code by shaving her head over the weekend in support of Delaney.

The Associated Press
DENVER – The mother of a Grand Junction third-grader who shaved her head in solidarity with a cancer-stricken friend is asking for an end to the national furor over a school’s short-lived decision to bar the girl from campus, so the focus can shift to the recovery of her 11-year-old friend.

The board of directors of the charter school, the Caprock Academy, voted Tuesday to let Kamryn Renfro remain. Officials had earlier barred her, saying she violated the dress code by shaving her head over the weekend.

The Denver Post reported Wednesday that Kamryn’s mother, Jamie Olson Renfro, took her daughter to Denver Tuesday to be with her friend ahead of a hospital visit. Olson Renfro called on people who have been following the story to think of Delaney Clements, who has been fighting childhood cancer since she was 7.

“Delaney is still in the fight of her life, and needs as much love, support and prayers as she can get,” Olson Renfro told the Post.

Delaney, bald from chemotherapy, told the Post that having friends willing to shave their heads made it easier to withstand teasing about her appearance.

“It feels good to have my friends be there for me, and to know I am not alone,” she said.
Olson Renfro also wrote on Facebook that Caprock was supportive of her daughter throughout the process that ended with Tuesday’s board vote.

The board voted 3-1 to grant Kamryn a waiver from the dress code, The Daily Sentinel of Grand Junction reported Wednesday. Two uniformed Grand Junction Police officers were on hand at the special meeting for the vote. Police Chief John Camper said police saw no specific threat, but offered to send officers because emotions were high and the events have received considerable attention.

The board member who voted against the waiver, Bill Newcomer, said “emotionally charged” decisions should be avoided.

Chairwoman Catherine Norton Breman began the special meeting by telling the audience of about 20 people, most of them teachers and reporters, that Kamryn’s motivation was “commendable.”

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Common Core now a target for some conservatives

Common Core now a target for some conservatives

Indiana repeals learning standards adopted by 45 states
Photo by: Associated Press file photo
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says the Common Core standards are a way to improve student performance and, over the long term, competitiveness of American workers.

Associated Press
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – More than five years after U.S. governors began a bipartisan effort to set new standards in American schools, the Common Core initiative has morphed into a political tempest fueling division among Republicans.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce leads establishment voices – such as possible presidential contender Jeb Bush – who hail the standards as a way to improve student performance and, over the long term, competitiveness of American workers.

Many archconservatives – tea party heroes Rand Paul and Ted Cruz among them – decry the system as a top-down takeover of local schools. The standards were developed and are being implemented by states, though Common Core opponents argue that President Barack Obama’s administration has encouraged adoption of the standards by various parameters it set for states applying to get lucrative federal education grants.

Tea party-aligned officials and candidates want to delay the standards or abandon them altogether in at least a dozen of the 45 states that adopted some part of the guidelines. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on Monday signed the first Common Core repeal to make it through a legislature.

“Common Core is like Obamacare: They passed it before they knew what was in it,” said William Evers, a Hoover Institute research fellow and lead author of a California Republican Party resolution denouncing Common Core.

To a lesser extent, Democrats must deal with some teachers – their unions hold strong influence within the party – who are upset about implementation details. But it’s the internal GOP debate that’s on display in statehouses, across 2014 campaigns and among 2016 presidential contenders.

The flap continues as students in 36 states and the District of Columbia begin this week taking field tests of new assessments based on the standards, although the real tests won’t be given for another year.

Paul, a Republican senator from Kentucky, has joined seven colleagues, including Texas’ Cruz, to sponsor a measure that would bar federal financing of any Common Core component. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio isn’t among the eight, but he already had come out against the standards. So has Rick Santorum, a 2012 presidential candidate mulling another run.

On the other end of the spectrum is Bush, the former Florida governor and Rubio’s mentor. “This is a real-world, grown-up approach to a real crisis that we have, and it’s been mired in politics,” Bush said last week in Tennessee, where he joined Republican Gov. Bill Haslam at an event to promote Common Core.

Haslam, who is running for re-election this year, is trying to beat back a repeal effort in the Tennessee legislature. “These are simply guidelines that say a fourth-grader should be learning the same things” regardless of where the student lives, the governor said recently. “Historically, we haven’t been good at setting high standards.”

The National Governors Association and state education superintendents developed Common Core. Among other things, the framework recommends when students should master certain skills. For example, by the end of fifth grade, a math student should be able to solve complex problems by plotting points on x and y axes. A high school sophomore should be able to analyze text or make written arguments using valid logical reasoning and sufficient evidence.

The issue presents a delicate balancing act for some governors. Bobby Jindal’s Louisiana and Scott Walker’s Wisconsin initially adopted the new standards. Now both men – possible presidential candidates – watch as GOP lawmakers in their states push anti-Common Core bills.

Jindal, who was an NGA member during Common Core’s development, won’t say where he stands on repeal.

“When it comes to specific bills, when they get to the issue of standards, we’ll sit down with the authors and provide our thoughts about it. But in general when it comes to standards, we don’t want to weaken the standards,” he told reporters last week.

Before Wisconsin lawmakers convened, Walker announced support for rethinking Common Core. In both states, however, the anti-Common Core measures linger late in legislative sessions.

Establishment Republicans in Georgia, meanwhile, derailed a repeal effort in favor of a “study commission” empowered only to make recommendations. Alabama GOP leaders have held off a repeal measure, as well.

Immediate political consequences of the disputes aren’t clear. GOP officials and strategists say any fallout for them is dwarfed by Democrats’ struggle with Obama’s health care law. In the meantime, conservative candidates use Common Core as a symbolic rallying cry.

Tennessee state Rep. Joe Carr, a long-shot primary challenger to Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander, insists Common Core “is just one more overreach of a federal government that wants to insert itself into everything.” An Alabama congressional hopeful, Scott Beason, casts Common Core as liberal indoctrination. In Georgia’s crowded Republican primary for U.S. Senate, Rep. Paul Broun declared in a recent debate, “I want to abolish the Department of Education and get rid of Common Core forever.” His first goal wouldn’t necessarily accomplish the second.

The arguments perplex the politicians most responsible for the plan.

Democratic Gov. Jack Markell of Delaware told The Associated Press that opponents mistakenly equate a coalition from across the nation with a federal government initiative. Markell co-chaired the NGA’s Common Core panel with Republican Sonny Perdue of Georgia.

Perdue, who left office in 2011, said Common Core actually began as a pushback against federal influence because of the No Child Left Behind law, the national education act signed by President George W. Bush. Perdue said it was “embarrassing” for governors of both parties that Congress and the White House pushed higher standards before state leaders.
Perdue attributes the outcry against Common Core to Obama’s backing: “There is enough paranoia coming out of Washington, I can understand how some people would believe these rumors of a ‘federal takeover,’ try as you might to persuade people otherwise. I almost think it was detrimental ... for the president to endorse it.”

Evers, who was a top Education Department appointee during the Bush administration, says it’s unfair to reduce opponents’ concerns to partisanship. He notes insufficient training for teachers expected to use new teaching methods, and he criticizes specific components. For example, some math courses are recommended for later grade levels than in standards already adopted in leading states like Massachusetts and California.

States move forward, Evers argued, because of competition. “It’s by emulation and rivalry that we have always seen advances in public education,” he said. National standards, he added, “will close the door on innovation.”