Thursday, November 7, 2013

2013 AHS Executive Director Friendraiser Remarks- 11-6-13

Below is a transcript of AHS  Executive Director Michael Ackerman's remarks at the 2013 Annual Fall Friendraising Event.

Good evening students, teachers, staff, and members of our local

community. Let me begin by sharing how grateful I am to all of you

who have joined us this evening to celebrate friends both new and

old. Our annual Friendraiser is a unique chance for us to gather

together, pause and reflect upon our journey to date and share our

collective energy and excitement for the future. And although that

future holds challenges that today, appear daunting, those

challenges fail to scare me when I gaze out upon the collective talent,

wisdom and commitment to our children that I see overflowing in this

room this evening.

If I may take a brief moment, because I’ve been asked so many times

today and already many times this evening, to comment on the

impact of last night’s election results.

The defeat of Amendment 66 was, to be sure,  a set-back for

Colorado's public charter schools that are desperately seeking the

dollars needed to fully fund important educational programs  and


Over their 20-year existence, Colorado's charter schools have faced

an uphill battle when it comes to accessing equitable funding.

Charters are often excluded from local funding sources such as mill
levy dollars, and as a result are regularly forced to pay for facilities

costs out of classroom budgets. Therefore, I understand all too well

the disappointment and frustration the Colorado public education

community is feeling after last night's election. However, I’m also

keenly attuned to the clarity of focus that last night’s results have

brought about. Specifically, the challenges that lie ahead of AHS are

now crystal clear and nothing has changed our “can do” attitude or

sense of personal responsibility in owning and developing solutions

for our children’s future. You know, a lot of folks don’t understand why Animas High School,

being a public school, has to fundraise.  The challenge we face as a

public charter school is that every year we must use a significant

portion of our state funding, or Per Pupil Revenue (PPR) to pay for

our facilities. As a result, AHS classrooms operate on less funding

than those of traditional public schools, whose facilities are funded

separately from classroom operations.  Couple that liability with the

commitments we’ve made to our students and families:

(a commitment to……)

Offering a program that embraces the HTH model and demands both scholastic and cultural excellence.

Keeping student teacher ratios, which this year are 13:1, significantly lower than our regional public schools.

Providing resources and professionals to support programmatic goals like 100% college admission, a robust Junior Year internship program and facilitating learning opportunities for all AHS students that go beyond the four walls of the classroom.

Change takes change and as we continue to deliver on our promise,

we continue to navigate a landscape that presents us with decreased

revenues from the state. In order to supplement those dollars, we are

challenged to raise $115,000 through our fundraising efforts this

school year. 

Simply put, Animas High, which is delivering more, operates on less

than other public schools and we need your help to bridge this gap. 

Tonight, we have $14,000 pledged as matching funds to be given to

Animas High. (acknowledge Chris and Steph Ribera)

What this means is if you donate or pledge $500 this evening, an

additional $500 will be donated through these matching funds. 

And if you make your donation this evening, you will be eligible to win

a fabulous weekend in Telluride.  Check it out at the donation table. (2night stay/4 two day lift passes and meals!)

And be sure you’re present for the drawing at 8pm.

So although we may be tempted to feel negative and disenfranchised

after last nights results, I’m happy to offer you my personal take on

what’s happening here in Colorado. My perspective is influenced by a

deep gratitude to the individuals, students, faculty, parents,

grandparents, siblings and families who have brought passion and an

undefeatable spirit to our project- We are motivated. We are change

agents and we clearly see a future where all of our community’s

young adults have voice and choice in their education.

Today, I actually find myself more inspired and more committed to

the road ahead because of our collective history of doing more with

less. Today I am more confident than ever that what we are doing on

the ground here in Durango is visionary, it’s impactful and it will serve

as template for ed reform throughout our state and our nation.

So when momentum for comprehensive reform of public education,

gains the traction that we are so inevitably barreling towards,

Animas High School stands ready to be a model for all- a rural

beacon of educational excellence that is the direct result of local

support. We’ve always relied on the talents, resources and

passion found right here in this room. It’s been an incredible

journey and we must be prepared for unforeseen twists and turns that

will continue to push us forward in our quest for innovative solutions.

I’m confident in our ability to meet the question marks of the future

with the same vigor and excitement it took to launch an upstart

charter school in a remodeled strip mall five years ago. And with your

continued help, we’ll be ready to share our story of excellence

with the world.

Again, thank you for celebrating with us here this evening and thank

you for the honor and privilege of working with such amazing young

adults each and every day. We are incredibly appreciative of your

support and please know that every gift makes a difference and has a

tremendous impact on our students and staff. We are asking for

100% participation from all of our families as it’s essential to obtaining

important grant and foundation opportunities.

There is a table in the back of the room where you can turn in your

pledge sheet and let’s be sure to take some time to be inspired by

these beautiful students who are here to share with us this evening.

Thank you for coming. Go Ospreys!