Hello Ospreys, we hope you are all having a good week. School is in full swing and we have a lot to share with you, so please continue reading.
Save The Date!
Please join us tonight for the Fall Family Picnic from 5:30-7 p.m. at Rotary Park in downtown Durango. This is a great opportunity to socialize with other AHS families, meet AHS faculty and staff and hear from Head of School Jake Lauer. This will be a potluck dinner. We ask each family to bring something to share based on the following: 9th Grade: Appetizer or salad; 10th Grade: Main Dish; 11th Grade: Main Dish; 12th Grade: Dessert. Please also bring a blanket or lawn chairs. If you have any questions about the picnic, please email pac@animashighschool.com .
Here are some important upcoming events for college planning:
- Sept. 10 Day/Night College Fair @ FLC from 6pm- 7:30 p.m.
- Sept. 12 Peter Van Buskirk, 6:30-8:30 pm; Fort Lewis College Ballroom “The Admissions Game"
- Sept. 17 Mandatory AHS’’s Senior College Night 6-7 in the AHS Commons
- Sept. 25: “How to Pay for College” @ AHS ; 6pm-7pm
- Oct. 5 Denver NACAC College Fair @ Colorado Convention Center from 1pm- 4 pm
- Oct. 6: 2013 Colorado Western Slope College Fair @ Aspen High School from 11am- 2 pm
Come check out our new facility! Each Saturday from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. in September, AHS Executive Director Michael Ackerman will host AHS Open Houses at our Twin Buttes campus. Our entrance is located 1.7 miles west of the Doubletree Hotel, on Hwy 160. We hope to see you there.
AHS Phones
Thank you all for your patience while we have been refining our phone system at AHS. We have been installing a new phone system which will be up and running tomorrow morning. We are aware that the phones have been down today and at various times in the past few weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience and we look forward to having our new system workingtomorrow.
We are excited to announce that beginning tomorrow, Friday, all students are welcome to ride the HUB Bus from DHS to AHS in the mornings and afternoons. We have spent a few weeks determining the needs and usage for the HUB Bus and we are ready to open it to the whole community. Each student who wishes to ride the bus must complete paperwork for the 9-R school district. Please see the Main Office for more information.
In the unlikely event that we have a day when more students want to ride the bus than we have space available, we will give first priority to AHS students who are currently participating in an extracurricular activity at DHS. In that situation, students who aren't able to ride the HUB Bus will be directed to the local public trolley which will take them to AHS, in the morning, or back downtown, in the afternoon. There is a $1 charge for a ride on the trolley. If your son/daughter is not participating in an extracurricular activity, please make sure they have a dollar to pay if this happens.
Can you donate some recreational equipment?
Now that we have settling into our new campus, we would like to add some recreational activities for our hard-working students. We are looking for two ping-pong tables and a portable outdoor basketball hoop for our students to use at lunch time. Additionally, if you have any other equipment you think would be appropriate, please let us know. Please contact the Main Office before bringing anything in. Thank you.
School Picture Day
Next Friday, Sept. 13 will be AHS School Picture Day. At the beginning of next week we will give students packets to order school pictures. Please help your son/daughter remember to dress nicely for their picture!
Wilderness First Aid Opportunity
Do you love the outdoors? Do you, your family and friends go on fun mountain adventures? Whether you're a mountain biker, skier, snowboarder, backpacker or climber, this is an opportunity you shouldn't miss! The Silverton Avalanche School is offering a special Wilderness First Aid course for interested Animas students.
When: September 27th, 28th and 29th
Where: Silverton, CO
Price: $200
Contact: Bob Kilgo, 970.903.6025, bobkilgo@yahoo.com or Jim Donovan, 970.903.7039, director@ Silvertonavalancheschool.com.
Leading Internships for New Knowledge (LINK) has a new program coordinator at the helm, as Rachael Sands has moved into full-time college counseling here at AHS. Libby Cowles has begun her work with juniors, helping them connect with great mentors and internship placements that will allow them to make meaningful contributions to a wide variety of businesses and organizations in Durango and beyond. LINK internships run March 3rd through 21st this year. Find out more by visiting the LINK webpage at http://ahslink.weebly.com. Please contact Libby at libby.cowles@ animashighschool.com if you have contacts at local businesses or organizations that might mentor AHS juniors with appropriate interests and skills. Libby will also coordinate Power Lunches, monthly presentations for interested students from community professionals sharing ideas and experiences that inspire and inform. More about Power Lunches here: http://ahslink.weebly. com/power-lunches.html Again, feel free to contact Libby with any ideas—or questions! She's really excited to step into this role at the School, connecting AHS and the community in a variety of ways.
Catered Lunches
As a reminder, please send in checks or make a CC payment for $30, $60 or $90 at a time rather than sending in $6 each day with your student. This makes it a tedious and long process for both the Front desk manager and the book keeper. Thank you for helping us make things run more smoothly.
Windows 8
As we mentioned a few weeks ago, we are currently working on a solution for our students who have Windows 8 and cannot connect to our Internet. We recognize this is frustrating for students and parents and we apologize for the inconvenience. While we address this problem, students are welcome to borrow computers from us or use their personal hotspots. We hope to have this resolved soon.
This week we mailed information to each family with instructions on how to access PowerSchool to track their student's academic progress. Please contact Maureen Truax,maureen.truax@ animashighschool.com, if you have any questions or did not get the information.